Acuneedling™ is the needling of acu-points by a Registered Midwife. Acuneedling™ works on the meridians of the body to balance and harmonise 'Qi' - ones life force. Working within our scope of practice, midwives trained in acuneedling™ can assist with conditions of pregnancy, labour, birth and the early postpartum.

With over 10 years of midwifery experience, I can offer education and emotional support to help build your confidence to birth without fear. Sessions are holistic and address relaxation techniques, optimal maternal positioning including Rebozo and allow you the time to connect with your breath and your growing baby throughout the session.

Acuneedling™ may support the symptoms of emotional concerns, fetal malpresentation and malposition, nausea and vomiting, heartburn, constipation, haemorrhoids/varicosities, insomnia, itching, thrush, back/hip/symphysis pubis pain & sciatica, oedema, anaemia, intrauterine growth restriction, pregnancy induced hypertension, threatened miscarriage, intrauterine death, retained or delayed placenta, postnatal mother warming, after-birth pain, milk let-down and mastitis. More chronic complaints may benefit from several treatments - please contact me if you would like to discuss further.

Clinic Appointments ($75)

Appointments are available in my clinic at Balga Salvos Child Health (17 Lavant Way Balga) on Tuesdays and Fridays. There are toys available in case you need to bring your child along.

Home Visits ($90)

Home visits are available within a travel radius of 30 minutes from Balga.

*A $20 fee is charged for additional travel time outside of the 30 minute travel radius. Please add the ‘Additional Travel Fee’ to your booking when you are selecting your appointment time.

*A $50 call out fee is charged for last minute appointments for early labour attendance/immediate postpartum attendance. Please send a text or Whatsapp message to 0422 565 376 to confirm availability.

  • In this session you can let me know which complaints you would like support with and I can tailor a session to your individual needs.

  • This treatment consists of 3 consecutive sessions (approximately a week apart) depending on the ailment. This package is ideal for birth preparation which can begin once you are 37 weeks.