I am a mother and endorsed midwife located in Perth, WA. I’m so pleased to welcome you here and have the opportunity to share with you this transformational program I developed, to support you to realise and prepare for the birth and transition to parenthood that you desire.

Birth to Baby was born (pun intended) at a pivotal time in my life and career. I had become a mother and realised I could no longer sustain working in a job as a midwife that expected the world of me, yet did not fully consider and respect the wishes of each and every birthing person. I saw parents-to-be arrive to birth suite in labour with little-to-no understanding of the intricate and life-altering journey they were embarking on. The result; witnessing so many women and their partners feeling afraid and left feeling out of control (causing devastating effects on the hormonal process of labour). Countless decisions were made without an understanding of the risks and benefits for them and their cherished baby and afterwards feeling 'robbed' of the birth they had wished for. Only then to be hastily discharged home feeling very unprepared and unsure about the weeks and months ahead of them (with little follow-up care).

There is very concerning research showing that at least 1 in 5 women experience anxiety and/or depression during pregnancy and/or following birth; and 1 in 10 fathers/partners experience depression and/or anxiety. Studies show that antenatal education reduces fear, anxiety and depression particularly in first-time mothers.

So this brings me to my vision for Birth to Baby. That is to provide you with the knowledge and tools you require to feel confident on your birthing journey.

So with deep gratitude, I thank YOU for being here. My wish for you is that this program gives you the tools to connect with your innate wisdom and strength; and empowers you to feel calm and confident in your birthing experience.

Qualifications & Credentials

Bachelor of Midwifery

Master of Primary Maternity Care (incl. Prescribing for Midwives)

Acuneedling Certificate

Birth to Baby offers practical and holistic active birth workshops and holistic pregnancy support.

My mission is to offer all women and their birth support person, the opportunity to learn about the normal physiology of labour and how active birth tools can optimise the process. My aim is to also help you realise your unique needs and wishes, and encourage you to listen to your innate knowing of what is best for you and your baby.

I am a firm believer that birth is a normal life event and a woman’s body was designed to birth her baby. Women don’t need to be told how to birth their babies but they do need to be heard and supported with their individual wishes.

Have questions before you book?

No problem! Send me an email and we can work out what’s best for you.